Tuesday, April 19, 2016

A Short Letter to a Long Day

Hello my lovelies. I didn't forget about you, all the yous that read my posts that is. I've just been busy.

Busier than ever. I am two weeks away from tucking a whole year of college under my belt. Where did the time go? Holy moly.

I will be lucky if I pass Biology and finish my two 12 page papers that I have lined up for me in the next two weeks without pulling out my hair before it turns gray.

In my English class today, we read a blog post with this same title and all I could think of was "relatable."

So here is to my long day:

That stupid alarm buzzing underneath my pillow, go away. I swear I've only been sleeping for 26 minutes.

What am I supposed to wear when I live in a state with multiple personality disorder? It is 38 degrees when I wake up and 70 degrees by the time I leave class.

How many cups of coffee is it safe to drink everyday?

Did I even eat breakfast?

Crap, its time to leave for class already?

Am I having a heart attack at age 19 or is it just stress?

Why do jobs exist? Why do I have to pay $50 for groceries to feed my one little body for two weeks?

I forgot what its like to have time for myself.

Oh I have to register for next years classes too?

Biology 1010 was created by Satan himself.

This day can not get any longer.

I want my bed.

I still want my bed.

How many more hours of work?

How many finals do I have to study for?

Should I just drop out? Join the circus? Sell my kidneys? My body? Sorry mom and dad.

I have to wake up and do it all again tomorrow?

At least its almost summer.

Those days will be longer.



rinse and repeat.

Curse you long days.

And that's how my Monday went.

We're almost there people. Almost there.

At the end of the day, I am thankful for a day.

XO- Sydney Lauren
Side note: How pretty are these pink trees? I love spring.

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