Sunday, February 7, 2016


There's something about waking up on a Monday morning. There is hope in my heart knowing it's a new week, a fresh start, and a chance to get things right again. There is something about a February morning where snow crusts the ground and it crunches under my shoes with every step. There is something about a Monday when we start our fastidious schedules almost like were programmed to do so. Like its clock work. I don't actually hate Monday's. I don't mind Monday's, for me Tuesday's are the ones I haven't quite learned to be friends with. There is just so much hope in a new day and a new week. It's a fresh start to make new goals and accomplish anything. Getting through a Monday is a well deserved accomplishment for some people. But, I love Mondays. I might not love Mondays more than I love Sunday's. Nothing can beat Sunday's. Sunday's are my friend. 

During this week, I will complete another week of my semester of school work. I will work more countless hours to earn a paycheck, but I will also do my best to live life. I woke up on Sunday morning feeling lost. I was feeling like there was something missing and I wasn't quite getting my dose of everything I needed. It's weird how our bodies need to stay balanced with a good diet, exercise, love, adventure and laughter. There's so many factors that go in to keeping that balance. Taking care of yourself is the first step. I have felt like I'm the healthiest I have been in awhile and healthy is a priceless adjective. In today's post, I wanted to talk about how to make your heart happy. There's so many little things that go into this big equation of happiness. Day to day I can think of minuscule things that contribute to the big picture of happiness 
- sunrises that look like fire and sunsets that look like cotton candy 
- Hearing a child's comment on something 
- My morning coffee 
- When I have a good hair day 
- When someone goes out of their way to talk to me 
- When my favorite song comes on the radio 
- Understanding my homework 
- Making someone laugh 
- Seeing someone stand up for a girl to sit down on the bus 
- Reading a good book 
- When my alarm goes off and I'm not tired 
Those are just some of the simple things you wouldn't realize that make your heart happy. especially on a Monday. It is incredibly important and crucial to listen to those little hearts on the inside of our chest. They usually know what's best for us with the help from our brains. It has come to my attention that I need more positivity in my life. I believe being positive leads to a longer, happier life.  Even if Monday's don't make you happy, maybe a a Wednesday or Friday will and think about all the little things in your life that equal the sum of happiness. Hope you all make it a good Monday! 

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