Friday, January 22, 2016

The Beauty of Writing

The main reason I wanted to start a blog is because I think writing everyday about your thoughts and feelings is healthy. I am a firm believer and a big advocator for keeping journals. I journal in paper and pen everyday mostly so I have something to look back on full of memories when I'm craving nostalgic feelings. The journal I keep beside my bed is mostly for me. It's for when I'm flustered and overwhelmed with feelings good or bad and want to vent. Venting to paper is recommended because trustworthiness is never a problem and it's a judgement free zone. I also use it as a scrapbook to document important or significant events or moments in my life that I don't want to forget.

I'm writing this blog as a form of a journal to share with the rest of the world and whoever else decides to listen. I want to use it as a form for family to keep up with my life, but also for people to be able to get a feel of who I am through my writing. Through writing, I hope people can understand the person I am, the things I think, the feelings I feel, and what's in my heart. Blogging is also all the rage these days so why not get in on the fun? I might not be as clever, or funny, or as interesting and fashionable as other blogs you might read, but hey I might be able to give someone a new perspective of thinking or feeling through my writing.

Writing is important to me because its finally something I've found that I love to do. I want to make it a key component as part of my career as well as a part of the rest of my daily life. If you're still reading, you rock. If you're not, it's okay because I'm still going to ramble on. I'm not quite sure yet the direction I'm going to take with this blog, but I hope you all stay tuned to see what my brain comes up with. All in all, I hope I'm able to inspire someone to find something they absolutely love to do.

XO- Sydney Lauren
Here's me :)

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